Professional Development
Professional Development includes:
Personalized development plans that focuses on a wide range of topics such as conflict resolution, assertive communication, active listening and etc.
Curriculum development that focuses on the needs of the learner
Needs assessment that reflects the training as needed as a result of deficiencies
Engaging and interactive professional development that focuses on collaboration and strategic planning
Blended learning approaches that utilizes the learner’s past experiences to build deeper connections to the professional development
Strategies for life-long learning development that relates to the companies goals and mission
Organizational assessment what results in a realistic plan, ensuring alignment with the company’s strategic priorities and values.
Designing curriculum that incorporates issues such as developing soft skills, leadership development, employee engagement, and dealing with change or growth
What does the process of Professional Development include?
Collaborating to develop program goals and needs that reflect the company’s vision for its employees
Development of strong relationships with the leadership team and the learner
Partnering with subject matter experts to develop learning initiatives or specific programs
Using a variety of sources, such as employee feedback, performance data, and testing tools to identify gaps in training, skills and performance
On-site deliver of professional development with handbooks, presentation tools and activities
Train the trainer modules available upon request
Integration of client-specific process, tools and techniques for successful organization development
Professional Development provides the opportunity to:
Implement results driven training through customized curriculum development
On-site training that allows your employees to engage in the learning process in a comfortable and safe space
Online programs available upon request that provide employees the opportunity to engage in the learning process on their own schedule
Implement a support system that encourages life-long learning process
Grow in skills and areas that are of interest to the learner and the company
Focuses on personal and professional growth for all parties involved
Collaborate with employees and management to develop learning and tools strategies that deliver results